Friday, August 12, 2011


Jogging + Walking= Wogging

A friend of mine said this the other day and we stole it. And are now abusing it and loving every second of it.

I love making up new words out of other words.


So two girlfriends and I began wogging this week. Hard core wogging. UGH.

You see, we are kind of in shape. Well not a fit sort of a shape. A squishy kind of shape. But we all have done at least one race before (one girlfriend does several every year but has yet to complete one running all of the way...a new goal for her) and so we figured if we wog together we will keep each other on point.

But yeesh I am so un-fit at the moment. After two days of wogging a lot of things hurt that I don't particularly want sore. Muscles that I use a lot more than I realized. Stupid exercise.

Don't get me wrong, I'm pleased with myself. I've been moaning about wanting/needing to exercise for a while now and so I'm happy that I'm getting out there, but I would rather be over this tough uphill start and be on a much fitter plain.

Time and patience. And lots of wogging.

And maybe I can finally go from this:

To this:


  1. Wogging...I like that! Good for you & your pals. I need to start working out too, asap actually. It seems I've gotten in "A squishy kind of shape" recently too, haha.

  2. Get your wog on!
    I need to wog it out too....but im just sooooo tireddddd....
