Monday, December 20, 2010

tsk tsk tsk

I'm still alive. I still have about a million things to blog about. I am still procrastinating.

I blame this all on my husband.

no, actually I blame this on Ireland and thier lack of consistant internet company providers. No wireless for 10 weeks. And I hate my husbands keyboard. its all UK style with buttons in weird places and no $ signs. no thanks.

But it was nice to whine and moan at James about it since he is supposed to be mr. Computer.

anyways i have wireless again and will be blogging.

Like how we had the best 1 year anniversary ever.

My "Irish Style" Thanksgiving.

My Horrible little red car which I like to call the Jellybean of DEATH.

Our new home which is so amazing I never want to leave it.

Our amazing friends who came out in force to celebrate James birthday.

And Christmas. It hasnt even happened yet and I feel a little celebrated out. Minus the opening presents bit.

Its all coming soon friends- i promise no more procrastination. I think. I mean- I KNOW.


  1. Yay! I'm glad you're back, I love reading your blog & was sad when I thought you'd abandoned{blog} ship. I cant wait to read about everything you've been up & your "Jellybean of Death" lol.

  2. Hi. Stopping by via Keely. How lucky to be in Ireland! My hubby and I visited about a billion years ago (well, more like 15). I'd love to go back some day. Happy Tuesday.

  3. Hey Lin- Thanks I'm glad to be back too! I've still been reading your blog- im just the worst follower ever and never comment! dont worry that will change now that I have my precious laptop back!

    Barb- Thanks for stopping by! It is pretty cool to be in Ireland despite all of my whining and moaning! There are some really cool places to see here- I definately recommend the beaches on the west coast- the cliffs are unbelieveable!
